27 Years Manufacturing Experience

How long is the shelf life of the vacuum packaging machine?

How long is the shelf life of the vacuum packaging machine? Analysis of shelf life cycle of vacuum packaging machine Vacuum packaging is to put food into a packaging bag, extract the air in the packaging bag, and complete the sealing process after reaching a predetermined degree of vacuum. In the food industry, we pay more attention to “shelf life”, and the application of food vacuum packaging is very common. Chicken legs, ham, sausages, grilled fish fillets, beef jerky and other cooked foods. Pickled products, such as pickles, soy products, preserved fruits and other foods that need to be kept fresh, are increasingly being vacuum-packed. After vacuum packaging, the food has a long shelf life, which greatly extends the shelf life of the food. What is the shelf life of vacuum packaged food? The shelf life of vacuum-packed food is related to the following factors: 1. Vacuum packaging machines, cheap vacuum packaging machines often fail to meet the requirements of vacuum degree. The vacuum degree of ordinary commercial vacuum packaging machines is 600-50PA, and the price of matching vacuum pumps ranges from tens of yuan to tens of thousands of yuan. Some 1,000 yuan small vacuum packaging machine packages are of course different from the hundreds of thousands of large vacuum packaging machine shelf life packages. 2. Production process equipment, different manufacturers have different processes and different sterilization equipment. To prolong the shelf life of food vacuum packaging, a professional pressure cooker is required, and ordinary boiling is not acceptable. 3. Storage and transportation temperature, sunlight exposure, and high temperature environment will reduce the shelf life of food. 4. The quality of vacuum packaging bags is also a factor affecting the shelf life of vacuum packaging food. Vacuum packaging bags with high air permeability and easy aging will definitely not have the long shelf life of vacuum packaging bags that are resistant to cooking. It can be seen that after vacuum packaging, the shelf life of the product can be extended by about 4 times. This is why vacuum packaging machines are so popular. A small vacuum packaging machine of one thousand yuan and a household vacuum packaging machine of several hundred yuan cannot achieve this effect. Because their vacuum level is not up to the requirement, there is still oxygen residue after vacuum packaging. So small vacuum packaging machines and home vacuum packaging machines can also extend the shelf life of food, but not as long.

Post time: Aug-16-2022